IB History Extended Essay Topics

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History Extended Essay

Writing the International Baccalaureate History Extended Essay (IB HEE) can be quite a challenge. There are so many different topics to choose from, it can be intimidating to decide on one. This guide will provide you with an overview of the IB HEE and give you helpful advice on selecting a topic, incorporating primary and secondary sources, structuring the essay, getting feedback, and formatting the final essay. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of the IB HEE, giving you the confidence to write your essay.

What You Will Gain From This Guide

  • An overview of the International Baccalaureate History Extended Essay
  • Advice on how to select a topic for the IB HEE
  • Breakdown of potential topics, from medieval to modern history
  • Explanation of primary and secondary sources
  • Strategies on how to incorporate both primary and secondary sources effectively
  • Blueprint on how to structure your IB HEE
  • Tips on getting feedback and perfecting drafts
  • Guidance on how to format your final essay
  • Recommendations for further research

By the end of this guide, you will be able to confidently choose a suitable topic and write your IB HEE. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out! Good luck!

Overview of the International Baccalaureate History Extended Essay (IB HEE)

The International Baccalaureate History Extended Essay, or IB HEE, is a 4,000-word research paper written by students taking higher-level IB History classes. The essay is aimed at helping students develop research and communication skills, and also acquire in-depth knowledge of a specialist topic.

Students writing their IB HEE pick a specific research question on a period or theme in history from a wide range of potential topics. Following this, they are required to collect relevant evidence, analyze it, and present the results of their research in a detailed and well-structured written essay.

The IB HEE is assessed according to how well the student is able to answer the posed research question and demonstrate that they have acquired in-depth knowledge of the topic area.

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In order to build a strong, well-structured essay, it is really important to plan ahead and structure your research. Students are encouraged to brainstorm ideas and focus in on one that best suits their interests, skills and the available resources.

Advice on How to Select a Topic for the IB HEE

Choosing the right topic for your IB History Extended Essay (HEE) can be a daunting task; there are so many possibilities and no one-size-fits-all formula. While it is important to select something that interests you, engaging in thoughtful reflection, research and planning is also essential. Here are some tips and strategies to help you in selecting an engaging and achievable topic.

Choose Something You’re Interested In

The most important factor in selecting a topic for the IB HEE is to choose something you’re passionate about. This will help make the essay writing process more enjoyable and engaging. Consider topics related to a course you’ve taken or an area of history in which you’re particularly interested. When choosing a topic, ensure that it is narrow enough to explore in depth and wide enough to enable you to find adequate primary and secondary sources.

Do Your Research

Once you’ve narrowed down potential topics, start researching. Once you’ve gathered some information, evaluate whether it is feasible and achievable. Think about how you would go about researching this topic and gain a clear understanding of the primary and secondary sources you would use. Also ensure that there is enough evidence to create a well-constructed argument.

Reach Out

It is important to get feedback from your peers and advisors. Discuss your ideas with them to get further insight and perspective. Talking to your teachers and peers about your topic helps shape your thinking and develop your argument in ways you may not have previously considered. Additionally, your teacher may be able to provide additional resources or suggestions based on their own expertise.

Develop a Roadmap

Once you have a clear idea of your topic, outline a plan for your research and writing process. Set achievable goals and deadlines for completing various stages of the essay, including research, writing and revisions. Give yourself adequate time to edit and improve your work.

Put Your Plan into Action

Once you have a well-thought-out plan, it’s time to put it into action. Begin researching and writing your paper step-by-step. As you progress through the stages of your essay, be sure to ask for feedback, revise your work and make necessary adjustments.

By following these simple steps, selecting a topic for your International Baccalaureate History Extended Essay should become much easier. Choose something you’re interested in, do your research, reach out to your teacher and peers for feedback, develop a roadmap and put your plan into action – and you’ll be on your way to writing a great IB HEE essay.

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Breakdown of Potential Topics, from Medieval to Modern History

When it comes to selecting a history topic for your International Baccalaureate (IB) Extended Essay, you have no shortage of options—from medieval to modern history, there are countless areas of study to explore. In this section, we’ll provide an overview of the various types of topics you can cover in your IB history extended essay.

Medieval History

If you’re interested in the history of the Middle Ages, potential topics could include an examination of medieval religious practices, warfare, or societal influences. You might also consider exploring the development of technology in the period or how literature was used to preserve cultural values.

Renaissance and Reformation

For those drawn to the Renaissance and Reformation, topics might include the role of religion in the period, advances in education, or the influence of art, philosophy, and science on the era. You could also research the growth of mercantilism in Europe, the new colonial empires, or the transatlantic slave trade.

Enlightenment and Revolution

The Enlightenment and Revolution period is a time of great transformation in the world. Possible topics could include the rise of liberalism, scientific advances, or successes and failures of the French Revolution. You may wish to examine the impact of colonialism in this period or the role of women during the Enlightenment and Revolution.

Nineteenth Century

Topics for the 19th century could include the spread of democracy and industrialization, the history of imperialism, or exploration of the effects of the Congress of Vienna. You might also consider researching the development of the Industrial Revolution, the Scientific Revolution, or the growth of mass education.

Twentieth Century

The 20th century was a period of profound change and progress. Potential topics could include the effects of World War I, the development of ideologies such as fascism and communism, or the rise of feminism. You could also research the emergence of new technologies, the impact of the dissolution of the British Empire, or the influence of the United Nations.

Twenty-First Century

Finally, if you would like to focus on more recent events, potential topics could include the rise of digital media, the continuing impact of globalization, or the role of international organizations such as the European Union and NATO. You might also research the current status of treaty relationships between Indigenous peoples and postcolonial governments, topics related to the refugee crisis, or current debates surrounding borders and immigration.

By understanding the various topics available from different historic periods, you can narrow down your research area and select a topic that interests you and fits best with your strengths. However, regardless of what topic you choose, remember that digging into primary and secondary sources is essential to producing a strong IB Extended Essay.

Explaining Primary and Secondary Sources

For your International Baccalaureate History Extended Essay (IB HEE), you will need to know about primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are original documents and items from the time period you are writing about. For example, if you were studying the Civil War, a primary source could be a letter written by a soldier during the war. Secondary sources, on the other hand, are written after the historical events have taken place. These could include academic books written about the Civil War or newspaper articles about it.

When you incorporate both primary and secondary sources into your IB HEE, it will show readers how well you understand the topic and your ability to research. Primary sources give readers an inside view into what life was like during the time period, while secondary sources provide analysis, context, and a deeper understanding of the topic. As such, it’s important to make sure your IB HEE incorporates both types of sources.

One thing to note is that when finding primary sources, it’s important to look for reliable sources. Try to use sources that have been validated by experts or are found in archives, as these types of sources are usually the most accurate. You can also look in libraries and online databases to find primary sources.

It’s also important to remember that primary and secondary sources should not be used interchangeably. For example, if you are writing about a famous person from history, primary sources provide information about that person, such as letters written by them, whereas secondary sources provide expert analysis and interpretation of those primary sources. By using both primary and secondary sources in your IB HEE, you’ll be able to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of your topic.

Incorporating Primary and Secondary Sources

When researching for your International Baccalaureate (IB) history extended essay, it’s important to utilize both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are first-hand accounts of an event as seen through the eyes of someone who was actually involved or present. This includes documents, letters, photographs, or other firsthand accounts. Secondary sources are interpretations or analysis of primary sources created by someone who wasn’t necessarily there in person. This can include the work of historians, published biographies, or other scholarly works.

Strategies for Incorporating Sources

To effectively use both primary and secondary sources, start your research by gathering primary sources related to your topic. Then use any secondary sources you find to fill any gaps, or help explain the context of the primary sources. When you have enough information to write your essay, read thoroughly to determine what questions can be answered using the sources. Evaluate the evidence you have collected, then decide which sections of your paper will be supported by primary sources, and which sections will have information from secondary sources.

Writing with Sources

When incorporating primary and secondary sources into the text of your essay, quote selectively when appropriate. Use direct quotes sparingly, and cite correctly. If taking information from a secondary source, make sure you explain the implications of the interpretation. Seek to show how the secondary evidence supports, refutes or otherwise interacts with the primary sources. Also, pay attention to the placement of sources. Sources should flow naturally in the text, and shouldn’t interrupt the reader’s understanding of an argument.

Cite Carefully

Finally, it’s important to cite all sources had used, both primary and secondary. Cite the original authors even if you are basing your interpretation on that of another scholar. Make sure to include not just the author and date of publication, but also title, publisher and page numbers in references. Use either footnotes or endnotes, depending on the format guidelines of your IB program. If unsure, check with your teacher or supervisor.

By knowing how to incorporate primary and secondary sources effectively, you can better demonstrate your knowledge of the historical issue and create a more convincing argument for your IB history extended essay. As long as give credit where credit is due and don’t overuse direct quotes, sources can enrich your paper and boost your grade.

Blueprint on How to Structure Your IB HEE

The extended essay is a 4000-word essay that provides an opportunity for you to showcase your knowledge and passion for history. It requires careful planning and organization in order to effectively structure the essay.

Here is a blueprint to help you structure your essay:

  • Introduction: Provide an overview of your topic, stating the relevance and purpose of your essay.
  • Body: Split this section into two parts for a clearer and more organized approach. In the first part, discuss the chosen theme or issue, backed up with evidence from your primary and secondary sources. In the second part, provide a critical discussion related to the theme or issue. Remember to include relevant evidence here too.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the points discussed in the body. Draw some conclusions based on your analysis and restate the relevance of your chosen theme.

It can be difficult to get started with the structure of your essay, but it’s important to consider it early on as it will save you time when writing and shaping your paper. Sticking to a well-structured outline with clear sections will better inform the reader of your argument and make it easier to follow.

If you are struggling to plan out the structure of your essay, try jotting down key points under each heading and build them up with evidence or quotes before beginning to write. It may also be beneficial to look at examples of similar essays to get an idea of how to start writing yours.

Start using this blueprint today and you will be on your way to submitting a top-notch International Baccalaureate History Extended Essay (IB HEE)!

Topics to Read:

Tips on Getting Feedback and Perfecting Drafts

Getting feedback from peers and experts is an invaluable part of perfecting the Extended Essay. Aim to have at least 2-3 reviews from different people. Make sure you choose reviewers who are familiar with the subject you are writing about, as well as what it takes for an essay to receive a high grade.

When receiving feedback, look for common themes and areas of improvement. Identify what needs to be rewritten, edited, or otherwise improved. The feedback you get should be used as a guide to constructing your final draft and refining content accordingly.

It’s important to remember that getting feedback is only part of the process. You must also apply what you learn in the feedback to perfect your drafts. This may involve reworking arguments, restructuring paragraphs, adding more details, and citing sources accurately. Dedicating the necessary time and effort to this process is essential for achieving a good score on the IB HEE.

Lastly, ask your reader to provide comments and explanations to any suggestions they make. This can help you better understand where adjustments need to be made and how to refine future drafts. Taking the time to do this will ensure that your essay is well-informed, structured, and free of errors.

Getting feedback and perfecting drafts is an important part of the essay writing process. With feedback from knowledgeable readers and diligent revisions, you can craft a strong IB HEE that stands out among the rest.

The formatting of your IB History Extended Essay (HEE) is one of the most important things to consider when wrapping up your project. You want your essay to be easily readable and pleasing to look at. Luckily, the International Baccalaureate (IB) provides useful guidelines so you can make sure your final essay follows their criteria.

Your essay should include:

  • A title page containing the title of your essay, your name, your school name, and your supervisor’s name.
  • A table of contents with the titles and page numbers of each section.
  • An introduction that outlines the purpose and major points of your essay.
  • Body paragraphs that discuss the topics you outlined in the introduction.
  • A conclusion that summarizes your main points and presents any recommendations for further research.
  • Bibliography or References page listing all sources used in your essay.

It is also important to use consistent formatting throughout your paper. The IB recommends using double spacing and leaving a margin of 1 inch on all sides. Select a font that is easy to read, such as Times New Roman, at size 12. Finally, make sure to use headings to organize your essay and make it easier to read.

The most important thing to remember is that your essay must reflect the IB’s high standards. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the IB’s guidelines regarding formatting, as well as their assessment criteria. If you keep these guidelines in mind while writing your IB HEE, your final essay will be well-structured, professional, and appealing.

Recommendations for Further Research

When researching for your IB History Extended Essay, it’s important that you go beyond standard sources such as textbooks and academic articles. To find more unique sources, consider the following recommendations:

Personal Interviews

Interviewing people who have relevant experience or knowledge about your essay topic is an excellent resource. Consider experts in the field or individuals living in the area at the time of your essay topic. If you decide to use this method, take notes or record the conversation so you can incorporate the information into your essay.

Government Resources

Take advantage of online government archives or search local libraries and government buildings. These are valuable resources because they can provide you with information that is based on direct accounts and first-hand experiences which may not be accessible elsewhere.

Cultural Institutions

Visit your local museum, art gallery or other cultural institution, as it can provide you with additional sources of data and show you how cultural phenomena have changed over time. It is also a great way to gain insight on how perspectives of the past can influence modern cultures.

Websites and Social Media

Social media networks and websites are becoming increasingly useful for research and gathering primary sources. You can find interview transcripts, personal accounts and recordings, official statements from organizations, old photographs and more. Be sure to be familiar with the site’s terms of service as content is not always 100 percent verified.

By using each of these research methods, you can ensure that your IB History Extended Essay is well-researched and provides a comprehensive analysis of the chosen topic. Remember that research is an ongoing process, so make sure you remain open to new sources and ideas. Also, don’t forget to document all your findings, as it will assist you when writing your essay.

Summary of all the Key Points

Completing an International Baccalaureate History Extended Essay (IB HEE) is an important part of achieving your IB diploma. If you tackle this project with confidence and preparation, you can be successful in completing a great IB HEE. Here is a summary of the key points:

  • Understand the purpose of the IB HEE and the criteria for grading.
  • Select an appropriate topic for your HEE, based on your interests and abilities.
  • Research potential topics from medieval to modern history.
  • Learn about primary and secondary sources and how to find them.
  • Incorporate both primary and secondary sources into your essay.
  • Organize your essay by creating an outline and writing a draft.
  • Get feedback from teachers or peers and perfect your essay.
  • Format your final essay according to the prescribed guidelines.
  • Look for additional resources and use them in your essay.

By keeping these key points in mind, you should be well on your way to crafting a brilliant IB HEE. Working hard and staying organized will help you complete a high quality essay that will fulfill your IB goals. Good luck!

Conclusion: Taking Action

Writing the International Baccalaureate History Extended Essay (IB HEE) can be a daunting task, but it is one that you are well-equipped to tackle. In this guide, we have discussed the purpose of the essay, how to select the right topic, primary and secondary sources, and blueprints for structure, feedback, formatting and resources.

We hope you now feel confident and ready to get started on your IB HEE journey. As you write, remember to stay focused on your topic and that using both primary and secondary sources will provide you with the best level of evidence. With such an expansive and interesting field like history, make sure to take full advantage of the opportunities available to you and express your creativity in a scholarly manner.

Your IB HEE is a major step for you as an aspiring historian. Use this opportunity to develop meaningful connections between your chosen topic, the groundwork you’ve prepared, and yourself. Good luck!

Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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