How to write a strong conclusion for your TOK essay

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Are you a student struggling to write a strong conclusion for your Theory of Knowledge (TOK) essay? If so, don’t worry! Writing conclusions can be tricky, but with some helpful tips and techniques, you can learn how to craft an effective ending that will leave your readers impressed. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the basics of writing powerful TOK essay conclusions and provide examples to serve as inspiration for your next paper. Coming up with an effective conclusion doesn’t have to be intimidating — use these simple strategies to confidently cap off every TOK paper!

This article is a part of Comprehensive Guide to Writing a Strong IB TOK Essay​

Understand the purpose of the conclusion.

The best way to approach writing your conclusion is by summarizing all of the main points that you made in the body section of your essay. This means that you should reference all of the arguments that you made and explain why they are important for understanding the overall topic or question. It is also important to restate your thesis statement in this part of your essay. You can use different wording but still express the same idea as expressed in your initial statement. 
Another element that should be included in your conclusion is an explanation as to why it matters and what implications it has for society or individuals who may have been affected by it. In other words, you need to explain why this topic was worth exploring and how it could help people better understand their own context or situation. A good way to do this is by considering potential solutions for issues discussed within your essay or new ways for people to think about an issue based on what you have written about in previous sections. 
Finally, make sure that you include some kind of thoughtful reflection on what has been discussed throughout the essay and how it relates back to real-world situations that individuals may face every day. This can help draw attention back to why this particular essay was so important and relevant, which will leave a lasting impression on readers when they finish reading your paper! 

Summarize your main points.

Understand what you’ve written Before you can effectively summarize your main points, you need to understand exactly what those points are. Take some time to read through your own essay, paying attention to any major arguments or themes that have emerged over the course of your writing. This will help you get a better sense of what ideas are most important and should be included in your summary.

Choose relevant points Once you have identified which details are most relevant, focus on summarizing only those points that are most closely related to the prescribed title or topic of discussion. These should be the main arguments or conclusions that you want readers to take away from reading your paper. Try not to include too many points—three or four is usually enough—as this will make it easier for readers to follow along with your summary and understand its relevance more quickly.

Write concisely When summarizing, aim for concision rather than length; this means that each point should be expressed as briefly as possible without sacrificing accuracy or clarity. Remember that summaries are meant to provide a concise overview of an idea, not elaborate further upon it. Keep sentences short and avoid using overly complex words or phrases where simpler alternatives would suffice. Additionally, try not restate every single detail from each section; instead, focus on summarizing only the most important ones so that readers don’t feel overwhelmed by information overload.

Address the knowledge questions.

What Are Knowledge Questions?
Knowledge questions are open-ended questions that prompt you to think critically about your topic, rather than simply rote memorizing facts. KQs ask you to consider different perspectives, explore potential bias and prejudice, and evaluate the validity of certain knowledge claims. For example, a knowledge question about the role of technology in education may ask: What are some potential implications of using technology in education?

How Do You Address Knowledge Questions?
The first step is to make sure that you understand what each KQ is asking; this will ensure that your answer is clear and concise. To do this, break down each KQ into smaller components, such as who or what is being discussed (e.g., technology), what type of impact it has (e.g., implications), and why it matters (e.g., in education). Once you have broken down the KQ into its component parts, you can begin researching sources that will help shed light on these components and build an argument around them.

When answering each KQ, focus on developing a thesis statement or main point which ties back to your original argument about the prescribed title and relevant areas of knowledge. Make sure that all sources used are appropriately cited using MLA format so that your argument remains valid and objective. Additionally, always include counterarguments so that readers can get a well-rounded perspective on the issue at hand; this demonstrates that you have done your research thoroughly and understand both sides of an issue before making any claims or judgments about it.

Topics to Read:

Consider the implications and significance of your argument.

Start by Thinking about Real-Life Situations
Your TOK essay should make connections between real-world situations and the arguments presented in your essay. In your conclusion, reflect on how your argument relates to real life scenarios or broader issues or themes. For example, if you are discussing the power of language in knowledge production, you might mention how language can shape perception in everyday life or lead to misunderstanding among different cultures. This type of analysis not only adds depth to your conclusion but also helps you demonstrate an understanding of the implications that arise from your argument.

Consider How Your Argument Affects You Personally
When writing a TOK essay, it’s important to consider how what you have written has affected your own learning and beliefs. Consider how your argument has helped shape your understanding of knowledge production or challenged existing assumptions that you had previously held about the role of emotion in knowledge acquisition. Reflecting on this type of personal growth allows readers to better understand the significance of what you have written and encourages them to think more deeply about their own beliefs.

Analyze How Your Argument Connects with Broader Themes
The objective of a TOK essay is not simply to present an argument; it is also meant to analyze its implications within larger contexts such as ethical debates or cultural differences. As such, when concluding your essay, identify any broader themes that are relevant to or connected with your argument. Doing so allows readers to gain additional insight into the implications associated with what has been discussed throughout the paper and encourages them to develop their own independent thought processes around those topics.

How to craft a memorable closing statement for your TOK essay.

Crafting a memorable closing statement is the best way to ensure that your essay stands out and leaves a lasting impression. But how do you write an effective closing statement? Let’s explore some tips and tricks for writing a powerful conclusion. 
The Power of the Last Sentence 
The last sentence of your essay can be incredibly impactful. This is because it is the last thing that readers will read in your essay, so it needs to leave them thinking deeply about what they have just read. You don’t want to simply restate your thesis or repeat the main points you’ve made in the body of your essay; instead, you should aim to craft an effective closing statement that summarises your argument without being too repetitive or cliche. 
Using Quotes 
One way to create an effective closing statement is by using quotes from other sources. Quotes can help bring resonance and depth to your argument by adding perspective from different authors and experts in the field. Quotes also add gravitas and authority to your argument, helping prove its validity and accuracy. Be sure to pick quotes that are relevant to your topic and support its overall message, rather than simply repeating what has already been said in previous paragraphs of your paper.  
End With A Question 
Another great way to end your TOK essay with a memorable closing statement is by leaving readers with questions or open-ended statements that force them to consider their own opinions on the topic at hand. This type of ending encourages readers to form their own conclusions on the matter while still allowing them time for reflection on what they have just read in order for them get the most out of it. Questions are especially useful if you feel like there are still unresolved issues within the scope of discussion – this allows readers an opportunity to think critically about these issues further as well as how they relate back into their individual lives or experiences more generally.  

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Review and revise your conclusion.

Step 1: Check Your Structure
When reviewing your conclusion, the first thing you should do is check its structure. Make sure that it logically follows from the rest of your essay and doesn’t introduce any new information or ideas. The conclusion should be concise yet powerful – it should leave a lasting impression on the reader without being too long or convoluted.

Step 2: Make Sure You’ve Addressed All Points
Your conclusion should address all of your main points in some way – don’t forget any! This is especially important if you are writing an argumentative essay, as this type of essay requires that each point made in the body of the paper has some kind of resolution at the end. If you have left any points unresolved, go back and make sure they are addressed in your conclusion before submitting it.

Step 3: Re-read Your Essay
Once you have checked your structure and addressed every point made throughout your essay, it’s time to re-read it from beginning to end. This step allows you to make sure that everything flows naturally and makes sense when read as one piece. When re-reading, pay attention to how each sentence transitions into the next one – if something sounds off or awkward, don’t be afraid to edit it until it reads smoothly.


Writing the perfect conclusion for a TOK essay can seem like an impossible task but with these tips, you can make sure yours stands out from the crowd! Take care when reviewing and revising your essay’s conclusion – ensure that it logically follows from what came before, addresses all points made in the body of your essay, and reads smoothly from beginning to end. Taking these steps will guarantee that your TOK essay ends with a bang!

Picture of Valerie Green

Valerie Green

Valerie Green is a dedicated educator who spends her time helping high school and college students succeed. She writes articles and guides for various online education projects, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. Friendly and approachable, she is committed to making a difference in the lives of students.

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